25 May 2024

Outer Hebrides and St Kilda - Glen Shiel

Jane Radford

Cruise number 9 for me with Colin a truly dynamic skipper. Cameron the best ever steward, with an amazing breadth of wildlife knowledge imparted with infectious enthusiasm and a truly supportive friend. Andy, first time on a boat chef and young Arran the engineer. The skipper fully met the cruise area brief with a few additional excursions, giving us some unforgettable and truly magical moments, especially trips to the Shiants and Easdale. St Kilda was not looking hopeful the night before, but by morning a revised forecast made it possible, so Colin grabbed the opportunity to get us there safely. We enjoyed a good 4 hours ashore this very special island with an overnight mooring. Adventures don't come better than this, especially when you have the perfect mix of an excellent crew and fellow passengers. There was an immediate bond between us all and mealtimes were full of fun and laughter, always empty plates, a good sign - thank you Andy for the wonderful food. Also big thanks to everyone for their warm support and friendship and who knows, our paths may cross again one day.

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